Creation and enhancement of headache units: the view of neurologists and heads of neurology departments
*Correspondencia: Dr. Rogelio Leira Muiño. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Clínico Universitario. Travesa da Choupana, s/n. E-15706 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña).
Headache is the most common reason for visiting in neurology. Almost a third of all patients surveyed in this specialty visit for this reason. The gradual increase in the complexity of the care afforded to patients with headaches requires neurologists to become more specialised and leads to the creation of specialised units where this more complex care can be implemented. The heads of the neurology department are responsible for structuring and coordinating the different care units. This article shows the findings of a survey carried out on a group of heads of neurology departments in order to determine the current state of headache units, that is, their opinion regarding the creation, functioning and development of headache units in Spanish hospitals, and the parameters of their efficacy and effectiveness.